Banner Requests

These are banner's I've received requests for, or I was inspired by a fic to create one. If you'd like me to make you a banner tailored to your specific story, fill out the 


1) Do not request a banner for a story that you ripped off from someone else. If I find out, I will blast you on twitter shamelessly and possibly create a Wall of Shame and post you on there for all to see.

2) You MUST give me credit WHERE EVER YOU POST. So if you post it on 20 different sites, I BETTER see my name 20 different times. Just saying. I think that's fair. I took time out of my life to make this for you. Give credit where credit's due.

3) Don't be greedy and ask me to make a banner just so you can turn around and ask another person to make you one for the same story. If I find out I will flame you. If you aren't 100% in love with the banner I created that's okay. TELL ME. We can either work on something else together, or you can, at that point, ask another artist with no hard feelings. COMMUNICATE WITH ME PEOPLE. You aren't going to hurt my feelings.

4) If I send you a banner to review for approval -- ANSWER ME. REPLY TO ME. Don't leave me hanging wondering what the heck happened. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO POST without telling me you'll be using it. I need to know.

5) I have the right to veto anything that I feel isn't usable. If a picture you asked me to use doesn't work I will try to find another like it or create a manip for the banner. I will email you and let you know = I wasn't able to use the image you provided and will give you a chance to reply with an alternative image.

6) Allow up to seven days for me to process and create your request. I work long hours in RL and have a hubby to take care of and love on. I need time. It usually does not take me that long.

7) A Banner Request Form must be filled out in its entirety.


Bella/Edward manip is not mine - made this as a fan banner for KrazyK85. I apologize but I'm not sure who is the original creator of the manip. Please forgive!

Bella/Edward manip is not mine. I found it on a gossip news site.